Artists organisations
Most artists in Norway are members of an artist organization. Artist organizations help provide a connection to the art field that can expand your network. By becoming a member you’ll receive a professional artist card that gives you free entrance to art museums and galleries. They organize exhibitions, print publications, arrange seminars and generally promote the Norwegian art field, both nationally and internationally. Artist organizations also work for artists' rights and interests, offer advice and tips on legal matters, and often have a lawyer their members can hire at a reduced price if legal assistance is needed.
A written application with documentation of your work, CV and artistic activities (such as exhibitions, purchases, etc.) is usually required for membership.
National artist organizations
Norwegian Visual Artists (NBK) http://www.billedkunst.no/nbk/ is an organization for professional visual artists in Norway, with approximately 3000 members organized in 20 foundations. 14 are regional/local organizations in Norway, 6 are national organizations, such as UKS, Norwegian textile artists and Norwegian graphic artists. This means that when you apply for a membership at, for example, UKS, you automatically become a member of NBK. Here's a link to apply for membership: http://www.billedkunst.no/nbk/nbksgrunnorganisationer
The Norwegian Association for Arts and Crafts (NK) http://norskekunsthandverkere.no is an organization for professional artists who predominantly works with textile, metal, ceramics and glass. They have approximately 1000 members and are divided into seven districts.
UKS (Young Artists' Society) https://www.uks.no/members/ is a venue for contemporary art and a national artist organization. UKS is under the umbrella of the NBK.
Verdensrommet https://www.verdensrommet.network is an artist-powered mutual support network by/for immigrant artists based in Norway.
Regional/local organizations (a selection)
VISP http://visp.no/ is a resource and networking organization for the Visual Arts with offices in Oslo and Bergen. It works to improve and facilitate conditions for the production and dissemination of visual arts. Membership in this organization is for free. They offer seminars, useful information and can provide help.
Performance Art Oslo http://www.performanceartoslo.no
is a member organization for professional artists working within the field of performance art, living in Oslo/Østlandet. The organization aims at creating a network and opportunities for performance artists through organizing seminars, workshops and international exchange, as well as creating a yearly international performance art festival.
Performance Art Bergen http://www.performanceartbergen.no is a member organization for professional artists working within the field of performance art, living in Bergen. The organization aims at creating a network and opportunities for performance artists through organizing seminars, workshops and international exchange, as well as creating a yearly international performance art festival.
/ Art Societies
The Norwegian Association of Art Societies https://www.kunstforeninger.no/ represents a network of 154 art societies in Norway. They organize exhibitions, seminars, and other activities. 20 of them have employees, but most of them are run by volunteers. There might be one in your area that you can be member of.
Some of the artist societies in Norway:
Arendal Kunstforening http://www.arkunst.no
Bodø Kunstforening http://www.bodokunst.no/
Bærum Kunstforening http://www.baerumkunstforening.no/
Heimdal Kunstforening https://heimdalkunstforening.wordpress.com
Hordaland Kunstsenter http://www.kunstsenter.no/
Kragerø Kunstforening http://www.kragerokunst.no/
Oslo Kunstforening http://www.oslokunstforening.no
Porsgrunn Kunstforening http://www.porsgrunnkunstforening.no/
Sandefjord Kunstforening http://sandefjord.kunstforening.net/
Skiens Kunstforening http://www.skienskunstforening.no/
Stavanger Kunstforening http://www.stavanger-kunstforening.no/
Tromsø Kunstforening http://www.tromsokunstforening.no/
Trondhjems Kunstforening http://www.tkf.no/