exhibition spaces
You will find several galleries, artist-run spaces, museums and art societies in all corners of Norway. There are also quite a few temporary art projects and happenings, as well as some regional exhibitions.
Exibition guides
Listen (national) https://listen.no/ offers a complete listing of galleries (unfortunately only in Norwegian) which also serves as a great guide to check out ongoing exhibitions in the country.
Oslo Art Guide https://www.osloartguide.no/en has a list of all the galleries and art spaces in Oslo and guides you to ongoing events in Oslo.
Exhibition guide Trondheim https://www.facebook.com/kunstguidentrondheim/
Contemporary Art Stavanger http://www.contemporaryartstavanger.no/arts-calendar/
HKS (Hordaland Kunstsenter) has a weekly newsletter including overview of exhibitions and events in Bergen and the Westcoast of Norway.
National and regional Annual Juried Exhibitions
Høstutstillingen, Kunstnernes Hus. Largest juried exhibition in visual arts. Open call in the spring. https://www.hostutstillingen.no
The Annual Exhibition, in Norwegian called “Årsutstillingen”, is a juried exhibition based on an open call for entries. The exhibition aims to take the pulse of current material-based art in Norway. https://norskekunsthandverkere.no/AU/eng
Østlandsutstillingen is an annual, regional exhibition showing contemporary art in the four counties of Eastern Norway: Vestfold and Telemark, Innlandet, Viken and Oslo. https://www.ostlandsutstillingen.no/about-us/
Sørlandsutstillingen is an annual, regional exhibition based on open call for artists with attachment to Agder, Vestfold and Telemark. https://sorlandsutstillingen.no
Vestlandsutstillingen (The Westland exhibition) is a touring exhibition since 1922. It is an annual Open Call for artists that holds a connection to Western Norway. https://www.vestlandsutstillingen.no/en/english-home/
Trøndelagsutstillingen is a yearly regional exhibition of contemporary art, organized by Trøndelag Bildende Kunstnere (the artists’ association) and administrated by Trøndelag Centre for Contemporary Art. https://trondelagsutstillingen.no/english/
Den Nordnorske Kunstutstilling / The North Norwegian Art Exhibition - is a regional exhibition arranged by Bodø Kunstforening, and exhibit artists with connection to the Northern Region (Nordland, Troms and Finnmark). https://www.bodokunst.no/nordnorsken/english
Galleries and museums in Norway
Astrup Fearnley Museet for Moderne Kunst http://afmuseet.no
Bergen Kunsthall http://www.kunsthall.no/
Bergen Kunstmuseum/KODE http://kodebergen.no
Babel Art Space https://babelkunst.no
Blaafarveværket http://www.blaa.no/
Bomuldsfabriken Kunsthall http://www.bomuldsfabriken.no/
Galleri F15 http://www.gallerif15.no/
Galleri Format http://www.format.no/
Galleri Haaken http://www.gallerihaaken.com/
Galleri K http://www.gallerik.com/
Galleri Riis http://www.galleririis.com/
Fotogalleriet https://fotogalleriet.no
Haugar Kunstmuseum http://www.haugar.com
Henie Onstad Kunstsenter http://www.hok.no/
Kabuso https://kabuso.no
Kraft Bergen https://kraftbergen.no
KUBE Ålesund https://www.vitimusea.no/en/musea/jugendstilsenteret-and-kube
Kunstbanken i Hamar http://www.kunstbanken.no
Kunstgarasjen http://www.kunstgarasjen.no
Kunsthall Trondheim http://kunsthalltrondheim.no/?lang=en
Kunsthall Grenland http://kunsthallgrenland.no
Kunstnerforbundet http://kunstnerforbundet.no/
Kunstnernes Hus http://www.kunstnerneshus.no/
Lillehammer Kunstmuseum http://www.lillehammerartmuseum.com/
Munchmuseet https://www.munchmuseet.no/en/
Nasjonalmuseet http://www.nasjonalmuseet.no/
Nitja senter for samtidskunst https://www.nitja.no
Nordenfjeldske Kunstindustrimuseum http://www.nkim.no/
Nordnorsk Kunstmuseum http://www.museumsnett.no/nordnorsk-kunstmuseum/
Pikene på broen http://www.pikene.no
Podium http://podium.enterprises
Rake visningsrom http://rake.trondheim.no/visningsrom/
RAM galleri http://www.ramgalleri.no/
Sámi Dáiddaguovddáš (SDG) / Samisk senter for samtidskunst https://samidaiddaguovddas.no
Sogn og Fjordane Kunstnarsenter http://www.sfk.museum.no/ks.htm
Soft galleri https://www.softgalleri.no
Spriten Kunsthall https://spriten.no
Sørlandets Kunstmuseum http://www.skmu.no/
Tegnerforbundet http://www.tegnerforbundet.no/
Tenthaus Oslo http://www.tenthaus.no
Trondheim Kunstmuseum http://www.tkm.museum.no/
Trondhjems Kunstforening http://www.tkf.no/
Tromsø Kunstforening https://www.tromsokunstforening.no/en
Trøndelag senter for samtidskunst https://samtidskunst.no/
Vestfossen Kunstlaboratorium http://www.vestfossen.com/
Art centers
There are regional art centers in every region of Norway. These centers host exhibitions and seminars and often function as a resource center for artists. Most of them send out newsletters on a regular basis with updates on events in the area. It’s a good idea to get in touch with the arts center in your area; sign up for their newsletter.
Telemark Kunstsenter http://www.telemarkkunstsenter.no
Rogaland Kunstsenter http://www.rogalandkunstsenter.no/
Hordaland Kunstsenter http://www.kunstsenter.no/
Kunstnersenteret i Buskerud http://www.kibkunst.no/
Billedkunstnerne i Oslo og Akershus (BOA) http://www.b-oa.no
Trøndelag Senter for Samtidskunst (TSSK) http://www.samtidskunst.no
Tromsø Kunstforening http://www.tromsokunstforening.no
Oppland kunstsenter http://kunstopp.no
Agder Kunstsenter http://www.agderkunst.no
Nitja Senter for Samtidskunst https://www.nitja.no
Nordnorsk kunstnersenter http://www.nnks.no
Vestfold Kunstnersenter http://www.vestfold-kunstnersenter.no/
Østfold kunstsenter http://ostfold-kunstsenter.no
Art biennials, projects, events, programs
Barents spektakel http://www.barentsspektakel.no/ is an annual cultural-political festival with contemporary art/music, theatre/performance, literature/architecture, and seminars/debates in Kirkenes - all spiced with current issues related to the Barents Region.
Bergen Assembly https://bergenassembly.no is a perennial model for art production structured around public events that take place in the city of Bergen every three years.
B-Open https://www.b-open.no is an open studio program in Bergen where artists in the city open their studios to the public and organize exhibitions and happenings. If you live in Bergen and have a studio feel welcomed to contact the organizers to participate in the program.
Greenlight District https://greenlightdistrict.no is an interdisciplinary art festival in Skien / Porsgrunn held every other year.
Kjerringøy Landart Biennial https://www.kjerringoylandart.com is one of the few landart biennials in Norway, located in the beautiful far north. Open call.
LIAF http://liaf.no is an international art biennial in Lofoten.
Momentum http://www.momentum.no is an international art biennial in Moss.
Oslo Art Weekend http://osloartweekend.no is, as the name indicates, a weekend with a number of events and open exhibitions in Oslo.
Oslo Open Art Festival https://osloopen.no/en/home is a festival consisting of open studios, workshops for children, guided tours, an international visitor program, and numerous exhibitions organized by and with artists living in Oslo. Approximately 400 artists open their studios. If you live in the city (and have a studio) you may join the program and open your studio to the audience.
Praksis Oslo https://www.praksisoslo.org has an interesting art residency program which is open to both local and international artists. The different residencies are run in cooperation with institutions in Oslo. It’s a great way to develop your art and to network in Norway. You may apply through open calls.
Trondheim Open http://www.trondheimopen.org/informasjon/ is an open studio program in Trondheim where artists in the city open their studios to the public and organize exhibitions and different events. If you live in Trondheim (and have a studio) and want to join the program contact the organizers.
Tromsø Open https://www.facebook.com/tromsopen/ and https://www.tromsoopen.com/ is an open studio program in Tromsø, where artists in the city open their studios to the public and organize exhibitions and different events in the city. If you live in Tromsø and have a studio, or want to join the program, feel free to contact the organizers.