get a studio

While a studio provides work space it can also help you build a creative and business network. Many artists rent a community studio-space which is sometimes offered by a municipality, but normally it’s through a private initiative. Greater municipalities often offer art studios for lower rent than the market price. Contact your local cultural office for relevant information.

Many cities has Open studio programs like B-Open https://www.b-open.no (in Bergen),  Oslo Open https://osloopen.no, Trondheim Open http://www.trondheimopen.org  where you can visit artists in their studios and also get to see and know different studio communities.

In Oslo the municipality offers a number of studios for artists. Here you can sign up for information when there is a vacant studio and get information about the studios and applications here:  https://www.oslo.kommune.no/natur-kultur-og-fritid/lokaler-og-uteomrader-til-lan-og-leie/atelierer-generell-informasjon/

There is also a Facebook group called Atelier i Oslo (artist studios in Oslo) where artists announce vacant studio spaces https://www.facebook.com/groups/1110062889059124/

Here is a list of some of the studio communities in Norway:

In Bergen

In Trondheim

In Stavanger

In Oslo

In Tromsø