get a studio
While a studio provides work space it can also help you build a creative and business network. Many artists rent a community studio-space which is sometimes offered by a municipality, but normally it’s through a private initiative. Greater municipalities often offer art studios for lower rent than the market price. Contact your local cultural office for relevant information.
Many cities has Open studio programs like B-Open https://www.b-open.no (in Bergen), Oslo Open https://osloopen.no, Trondheim Open http://www.trondheimopen.org where you can visit artists in their studios and also get to see and know different studio communities.
In Oslo the municipality offers a number of studios for artists. Here you can sign up for information when there is a vacant studio and get information about the studios and applications here: https://www.oslo.kommune.no/natur-kultur-og-fritid/lokaler-og-uteomrader-til-lan-og-leie/atelierer-generell-informasjon/
There is also a Facebook group called Atelier i Oslo (artist studios in Oslo) where artists announce vacant studio spaces https://www.facebook.com/groups/1110062889059124/
Here is a list of some of the studio communities in Norway:
In Bergen
Aldea http://aldea.art
Bergen ateliergruppe www.bergenateliergruppe.no
BLOKK www.blokkbergen.no
Kunstnerverksteder cs55 www.cs55.no
USF Verftet www.usf.no Inquiries to rental of studios and office premises are mainly directed to the landlord. Norwegian Preserving AS at Jakob Sætre, tel. 55 33 57 77.
M17 www.m15-17.no
Bergen Kjøtt www.bergenkjott.org
Den Uferdige Institusjon https://denuferdigeinstitusjon.no
Aerial https://aerialbergen.com
Ytre Arna Atelierfellesskap https://www.instagram.com/ytrearnaatelierfelleskap/
In Trondheim
Lademoen kunstnerverksteder: http://www.lkv.no
Atelier Ilsvika https://atelierilsvika.no/om-oss/
Studios from Trondheim municipality https://www.trondheim.kommune.no/atelier/
Rotvoll kunstnerkollektiv https://rotvollkunst.no
Rake Arbeidsfelleskap https://rakearbeidsfellesskap.com
Gregus Kunstnerverksteder https://www.instagram.com/gregus_kunstnerverksteder/
In Stavanger
Atelierhuset Tou Scene http://www.atelierhuset.com
Elefant -studio and office space for creative professionals http://www.elefantworkspace.no
In Oslo
Oslo municipality studios https://www.oslo.kommune.no/natur-kultur-og-fritid/lokaler-og-uteomrader-til-lan-og-leie/atelierer-generell-informasjon/
Blaker Skanse http://www.kunstskansen.com
Nesoddparken http://nesoddparken.no/leietakere/
Kroloftet https://www.kroloftet.no/leie/atelier
Sagene Kunstsmie https://kunstsmie-sagene.wixsite.com/sagene-kunstsmie/atelierleie
Bjørka studio for camera-based art http://www.bjorka.org
In Tromsø
Kysten Troms fylkeskultursenter https://www.tffk.no/tjenester/kultur/troms-fylkeskultursenter/
TKF-Loftet Arbeidsfellesskap https://www.facebook.com/TKF-Loftet-Arbeidsfellesskap-715495735167747/