Artist in residency programs

All around the world you will find residencies for artists that offer a place to stay and work. Residencies can be a great way to find new inspiration and time to focus on your art. Some residencies even provide financial support, but mostly you have to pay for your stay. Several Norwegian cities and regions have a studio in Berlin (or other places), available for artists from those cities or regions.

A list of some residencies (there’s many, many more)

In Norway:

  • HighNorthAiR http://www.highnorthair.org/ Overview of artists in residency programs in Northern Norway

  • Office for Contemporary Art Norway (OCA) https://www.oca.no/grants/residencies/ offers a few paid residencies, duration up to a year, in Berlin, Brussels, New York, Mumbai and Rio de Janeiro.

  • Kunsthuset Messen (Ålvik, Norway) Residency in Hardanger for artists. Check out for open calls here: https://www.khmessen.no

  • Nordic Artists’ Centre (Dale, Norway) http://www.nkdale.no/ The residency includes a monthly grant, as well as covered travel expenses. Living and working spaces are for free.

  • Artist residency Svalbard (Norway) https://www.lokalstyre.no/kunstneropphold.252967.no.html is open to emerging and established artists, both Norwegian and international, working with any creative medium or project. From one night, to a maximum of three months.

  • Sola municipality (outside Stavanger) https://www.sola.kommune.no/kultur-fritid-og-idrett/kulturtilbud/kunstnerbolig-pa-rott/?fbclid=IwAR3TQiEKIctlTTymdLkPqF5jGSkAxp1eK3eV0oNS5l1wt-foAfWhSf7oN-E

  • HKS guest artist program, Bergen https://hks-client-prod.herokuapp.com/#/triangle/6 Guest artists program through Open Calls. Usually once a year.



In Norway:
